This tour goes over the most important Last Suppers in Florence and it is thought as an easy walk from San Marco Square to the river Arno and back.
The Italian word “Cenacolo” comes from the Latin “Caena” which means dinner, supper. In English “last supper” means the last meal of Jesus Christ with his Apostles, but id does not give the idea of its location. On the contrary with the word “cenacolo” we mean the picture of a Last Supper and the place where it is located. This place is the dining hall of a monastery.
The first extra expenses of a religious community after the built of a monastery were for the decoration of the church, the next for the decoration of the chapterhouse and the main dining hall (also named cenacolo) which were the official representative halls of the monastery. These decoration were always in fresco. In the centuries many of them were torn off and placed into museums. But while for many pictures and altar pieces this behaviour was common and often useful, the last suppers need their own location to be understood and valued. The frescoes of this part are all in their original location.
San Marco Last Supper (Piazza San Marco, 1)
In 1482 Domenico Ghirlandaio painted this Last Supper to decorate the small refectory of the Dominican Convent
Santa Apollonia Last Supper (Via XXVII Aprile, 1)
Andrea Del Castagno painted this masterpiece under a Crucifixion a Deposition and a Resurrection before 1450
Affresco del Perugino = Fresco by Perugino
This is not a last supper but a crucifixion; as it is located in a dining hall of the ancient monastery, and as it is a remarkable painting, I like to include it in the tour. You find it in Borgo Pinti (near Via della Colonna, at your left going to the centre of the own. First you find a cloister, a peaceful and nice cloister, then the hall with the painting. Sometime you can also meet an old friar who knows many things about the painting and the place and who’ll be happy to talk with you.
Fuligno Last Supper (Via Faenza 42)
Il Perugino painted this Last Supper in 1495 with a bright background which recall Umbria’s landscape.
S. Croce Last Supper
In the large dining hall, in 1340 Taddeo Gaddi painted this Lst Supper, over it the Tree of the Cross. This fresco was originally ascribed to Giotto and is the first big “Supper” in Florence.
Andrea del Sarto Last Supper in San Salvi (Via San Salvi, 16)
In the old refectory of the Vallombrosan Abbey on the outskirts of Florence, Andrea del Sarto painted the life-like Last Supper , his most spectacular masterpiece and "one of the most beautiful paintings in the world". The Last Supper was begun in 1519 and was finished between 1526 and 1527
Santo Spirito Last Supper
Under the Crucifixion there is a part of the Last Supper painted by Andrea Orcagna about 1370
Ognissanti Last Supper (Borgognissanti,42)
In 1480 Domenico Ghirlandaio paited this famous Last Supper in the big convent of this precious church.
Last Supper in Badia di Passignano
Do you remember Domenico Ghirlandaio, the one who painted Holy Mary and St John histories behind the main altar of Santa Maria Novella? Here, in this village near Tavarnelle Val di Pesa, he painted this fresco inside the dining hall of the convent.
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