I am an italian woman who loves cooking and i come from a family with a long tradition in tuscan cookery.
Here are some recipes of mine, I describe them as I prepare them, some chef would not agree with me, but these are home made recipes, simple and traditional. All the following recipes are in line with the typical florentinie cooking tradition and some of them were handed down through generations.
Typical florentine recipes:
Antipasti = Starters (Hors d'oeuvres)
- Fettunta = Bread, garlic and oil
- Crostini di fegatini = Canapés with chicken liver pathé
- Funghi / Carciofini sott’olio = Mushrooms / artichokes in oil
- Panzanella = Cold bread soup
Primi piatti = First courses
- Spaghetti ad aglio, olio e peperoncino = Spaghetti with garlic, oil and chili powder
- Spaghetti con I pomodorini = Spaghetti with little tomatoes
- Spaghetti alla carbonara = Carbonara spaghetti
- Spaghetti con le cicale = Spaghetti with the squills
- Farfalle con verdure = Farfalle pasta with vegetables
- Orecchiette con I broccoli = Orecchiette and broccoli
- Pasta all' uovo = Egg pasta
- Lasagne = Florentine Lasagna
- Gnocchi di patate = Potatoes gnocchi
- Risotto ai funghi = Rice and mushrooms
- Risotto ai carciofi = Rice and artichokes
- Risotto nero alla fiorentina = Black rice with cuttlefish
Zuppe e Minestre = Florentine Soups
- Brodo = Consommè
- Stracciatella = Stracciatella soup
- Pasta e fagioli = Pasta and beans
- Minestra di farro = Farro soup
- Minestrone toscano di verdure = Tuscan vegetable soup
- Pappa al pomodoro = Florentine tomato soup
Sughi e salse = Florentine Sauces
- Pomarola = Pomarola sauce
- Ragù = Ragu florentiine sauce
- Besciamella = Bechamel sauce
- Acciugata = Anchovies sauce
- Salsa Verde = Green sauce
Piatti di mezzo = Intermediate dishes
- Torta di carciofi = Artichokes tart
- Porrata = Leeks tart
- Torta di prosciutto e formaggio = Tart with ham and cheese
- Sformati di carciofi = Artichokes flan
- Sformato di spinaci = Spinach flan
- Sformato di cardi = Cardoons flan
- Pomodori ripieni di riso = Tomatoes filled with rice
- Zucchine ripiene = Zucchini filled with minced meat
- Peperoni ripieni = Peppers filled with minced meat
- Cipolle ripiene = Onions filled with minced meat
Secondi Piatti = Second courses
- Bistecca alla fiorentina = Florentine grilled steak (charcoal grilled steak)
- Tagliata = Cut steak
- Fegatelli = Roasted pork liver
- Polpette alla fiorentina = Florentine croquettes
- Trippa alla fiorentina = Florentine Tripe
- Cervello fritto = Fried brain (beef or sheep)
- Pollo alla cacciatore = Chicken hunters’ way
- Involtini alla salvia = Roulades with sage
- Baccalà alla fiorentina = Dried cod Florentine way
Contorni = Side dishes – vegetables
- Carciofi ripieni = Artichokes filled with bread and
- Melanzane / pomodori in forno = Baked eggplants / tomatoes
- Verdure fritte = Fried vegetables
- Fagioli all’uccelletto = Beans in tomato sauce
- Verdure grigliate = Grilled vegetables
- Melanzane alla parmigiana = Parmigiana eggplants
- Spinaci alla fiorentina = Florentine spinaches
- Tuttoinsieme = Alltogether
Uova = Eggs
Dolci e biscotti = Cakes and florentine biscuits
- Tiramisù = Pick me up! :)
- Castagnaccio = Chestnut cake
- Schiacciata con l’uva = Flat savoury cake with grapes
- Schiacciata alla fiorentina = Flat savoury florentine cake
- Zuccotto fiorentino = Florentine zuccotto
- Frittelle di riso / semolino = rice / semolina fritters
- Cenci = Rags florentine cookies
- Copate = Copate florentine biscuits
- Fiorentini = Florentine biscuit
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